Saturday, September 30, 2006

First-class Fool, me

This is my friend Stephanie Woolston. She's an awesome friend, so I felt like blogging about her tonight. See, I was supposed to drive down to Provo and see a local band's show with her tonight. Once again, I let her down and backed out. If it was an occasional thing, I wouldn't feel so bad, but it seems like every time Stephanie wants me to do something with her I stand her up. The excuse is usually a lame one. (Tonight I feel far too tired to drive down to Provo, which admittedly is lame, especially since I did want to hang out with Steph.) I felt like such an IDIOT when I got off the phone with her. Now, if I were her, I think I prolly would have dropped a friend like me long ago. But she was so sweet and nice about it still, and that is an incredible relief. So, hurrah for friends like Stephanie.


James said...

If I were most of friends I would have dropped me like white hot grease-fire of puritan daeman long ago, but I think most everyone contributes a lot more to their friends' lives than they realize.

chrishley said...

well put.

Anonymous said...

Is this picture @ Havasupai? I just was there this week!

chrishley said...

Man, you pegged it, you anonymous, you. Isn't that one of the coolest places on earth? Mother Nature's own water park. I aspire to go there sometime again soon--if not this summer, then next.

Anonymous said...

I love Havasupi. The natives are a bit nuts but the water fun is amazing.