Sunday, January 22, 2006

Raise your hand if Cosmo gives you heebie jeebies

I went to the basketball game last Wednesday. I was sitting on the front row, meaning I had the luxury of sitting through the whole game and not having to stand up. Part way thru the first half, I turn and there's Cosmo hovering right over me, prodding me to stand up, I guess cuz everyone else was, and apparently you're not a very good fan if you don't. I've never been a Cosmo fan. I think he's weird looking. So he kept touching me and grabbing me to stand up. I finally swatted him and told him to leave me alone and so he did. But during the second half he was back for more. This time he came climbing up the rails right in front of me, tho, so I was more psychologically prepared. Also I was able to cower behind Tim, altho he wasn't much help. In short, I felt officially molested by Cosmo the freakish cougar. I've seen him several times since then and all I can do is scowl and mutter at my new arch enemy.


be said...

It's official?

vox said...

I've always been pretty creeped out by all mascots in general, AND all the Disney characters. I've just never been molested by any. But that's probably because I stay FAR away from them. Because they creep me out.

Ronnie said...

If you think Cosmo is creepy, you should check out the Icecat at BYU's hockey games. Now that thing is weird.
Also, in my family, to have the heebie jeebies means that you have diarreahea.

bec said...

Ronnie's family sounds interesting. I agree that I also have the desire to avoid cosmo at all costs. It's that constant smile, never blinking, you don't know who's staring at you creepiness.

chrishley said...

Is what official? that Cosmo gives me the heebie jeebies? Yes, yes it is. I like the Disney characters on the screen, but prolly not as much dressed in upholstery. Ronnie, you spell diarrhea weird.

Maggie said...

If you say you have the jibblies that can mean the same thing as the heebie jeebies and it can also easily mean diarrhea.

Ronnie said...

Pardon my spelling. It's not a word I write very often.

be said...

I think I had a dream about Cosmo last night, because now I have the heebie jeebies so bad that I couldn't go to school.

bec said...

which kind of heebie jeebies?
Ronnie's or Christie's?

Anonymous said...

i've seen him 'tap that' before at athletic events, as he non-chalantly grabbed a poor innocent but very cute girl's rear.