Friday, June 13, 2008


Per inspired by a conversation yesterday, I made a more valiant-than-past attempt and got my blog up and running again. Aren't you happy I can be a part of your life again? :) This will definitely take time to remember how to format my template and such. I find that I'm not so tech savvy yet, being so fresh from the Lord's vineyard. We just use the Spirit there. :) Enough with the smiley icon now.
It would seem appropriate to write a big long post about how amazing (and hard) my mission was, but maybe some other time when the mood strikes.


Lisa said...

Glad to see you're finally back to blogging!

Alexis said...

yeah...glad you are going to write more. We still need to play.

rph said...

I will say it again: Huzzah!

chrishley said...

and I will say it again: Indeed.